Cross interview with Marie Passa and David Kowalski

The exhibition Letters from Utopia brings together the work of Marie Passa, a photographer who claims the action of time in her creation, and David Kowalski, a painter in search of timelessness whose images are disturbing because of their photographic aspect. Both work in shades of grey and depict empty interiors not devoid of a form of presence. They create mysterious and disturbing images tinged with melancholy. While Marie Passa is interested in utopias that have been achieved and abandoned by man, David Kowalski's utopia suggests a near future where nature reclaims its rights.

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Stéphanie Pioda, Marie Passa & David Kowalski

Hors les murs : La maison lointaine, Martine Aballéa au Palais Idéal du Facteur Che

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Frédéric Legros

Jean Gfeller : A neck brace, a weird guy and a landscape poster

Interiors made up of a few pieces of furniture - a chair, a bed, a table, a neon sign, shutters. Reduced to the essential, Jean Gfeller's sets unfold like archetypes of familiar places, homes, bedrooms, even waiting rooms. Ambivalent, they shape a small labyrinthine theater where doors and windows offer no escape.

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Thomas Fort

No walk, No work

At the beginning, there is blur: foggy images that the light tends to reveal or to silence, the photography coming as much to penetrate as to resist to the drawing, also from an artist fond of theater and cinema for whom the disciplinary non-choice is widespread...

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Marion Duquerroy

Hors les murs : Collection en mouvement, Martine Aballéa au FRAC-Artothèque Nouvelle-Aquitaine

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Yannick Miloux

La nature faite pour Dürer

Like a tribute to Mother Nature, this exhibition focuses on questioning humankind on its part in the gradual yet drastic annihilation of the planet; not only of its fauna and flora but also of what affects humanity in its flesh and psyche. A slow and progressive suicide which cripples day after day the beauty of the divine so perfectly described by Spinoza and so accurately embodied almost a century and a half ago by the artist Albrecht Dürer in a simple but uprooted tussocks of weed paradoxically rendered immortal by his mastery of watercolor.

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Edwart Vignot

Questions à Eric Poitevin

For our fourth participation in Art Paris Art Fair, we are pleased to present a focus on the work of Eric Poitevin as part of guest curator Alfred Pacquement's project, "Un regard sur la scène française: histoires naturelles. Art and the Environment".

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Alfred Pacquement, Chris Marie Tyan

Prima Materia

For this carte blanche invitation at Dilecta, Juliette Minchin unveils a new phase of her work, one never exhibited before: the “Hydromancie” [Hydromancy] series made up of 5 mesmerizing drawings in which bursts of pigments become one with layers of translucent wax, completed by a wide piece of 2.50 × 1.20 m; and a dozen of photograms, the “Cérogrammes”, realized with pieces of drapery from recycled artworks. Two fundamentals of her work can be found in those pieces: wax, her key material, and light.

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Stéphanie Pioda


“Traverser les silences” brings together artists from different backgrounds and careers in order to freely embrace a diversity of practices related to current figurative painting. The exhibited works, some of which were created specifically for the occasion, invite us to reflect on the ineffable aspect of the painting. It is a question of exploring the bark of the paintings, that thin layer of material retaining the traces of gestures carried out in the silence of the studio. But beyond exploring their materiality, we are also invited to immerse ourselves in the images they make visible. These images, which are essentially mute, seek to inspire a seductive disturbance for the writing of numerous stories.

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Thomas Fort

Juntas [Ensemble]

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Julie Crenn
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